The world's a stage

周间主题: What extracurricular activities did you do when you were a child?

Jasmin H

When I was young, my favourite extracurricular activity was theatre. Everything about it just fascinated me! Although I was a bit shy at first, I quickly learned how to overcome my stage fright and had the time of my life. One time I was a witch out of a fairytale, the next time I was humble stewardess on a nile cruiser. It was a lot of work to memorize the script and when you had to be where and do what, but in the end it was great fun and the applaus made it all worthwhile. 
Today I think, that learning a language is not that different from acting. You have to memorize all the words, the pronounciation and the little details, so the audience will be pleased by your performance. And I think, just like acting, it can be a lot of fun if you have the right motivation and nice people to support you! :)
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德语   母语程度
英语   流利
法语   日常会话程度
日语   只能说一点

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