(英国ウェールズのお菓子のお話)Which do you like better Tea or Coffee?

每週主題: Are you a tea drinker? or a coffee drinker?

Teacher Asuka

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Hi, there. It's Teacher Asuka.

It's been a long time since I wrote this column last time. How's it going? I hope you've been staying safe and healthy during Covid-19 pandemic.

Well, I'd like to talk about this week's title from now on. I'm asking you 'Which do you like better tea or coffee?' Please let me know your opinions with several reasons at a later date. I'll recommend you it's a good way of speaking or writing practice in English. 

As for myself, I prefer tea to coffee while I'm having some english lovely scones, sandwiches, and especially, 'Welsh cakes'.

Have you ever tried 'Welsh cakes'? When I stayed in the city of Swansea, Wales, I used to go shopping at the Swansea Market. 

At first, I'll explain the place where I stayed is famous for its poet named 'Dylan Thomas'. Maybe I suppose you know the famous singer named 'Bob Dylan', they say that his name is derived from this poet's name.

Speaking of 'Welsh cakes', they are known as small, round- shaped and baked cakes which are made from flour, eggs, sugar, milk, a bit of fresh butter and some raisins. The point is that all the ingredients are simple so that you can make them anytime you want.
Every shop for selling welsh cakes has its own ingredients or flavors, therefore you need to choose where to buy. It's lucky for you to meet your favoite ones when buying them! 

(The Welsh cakes with sugar I made above.)

I love these welsh cakes. I usually bake such welsh cakes whenever I want to eat them in Japan. Having my favorite welsh cakes over a cup of tea always make me happy and cheerful.

I hope you enjoy eating one of your favorite welsh cakes with your family and friends!

Thank you for reading my column this time as well.

See you next time!

Teacher Asuka

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