(モンテッソーリ教育)Let the Child be the Guide

Teacher Asuka

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everyone. How are you today? It's Teacher Asuka.

Today, I'm going to talk about ‘One of the famous Teaching Method’.


Have you heard `Montessori’?

Speaking of ‘Montessori’, it is known as ‘the Method of Montessori Education’.


It is said that Bill Gates, who is the co-founder of Microsoft, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who are the founders of Google, and Jeff Bezos who is the founder of e-commerce giant Amazon received such an education above.


’Montessori’ is a remarkably simple yet brilliant method of teaching. In early 20th century, the method of teaching was developed by as the first Italian Woman Physician.

Dr. Maria Montessori


Well, the other day, I’ve watched the recent documentary film named ‘Let the child be the guide’.

'Let the child be the guide’



In that film, you can see how children naturally absorb information and how children learn at different stages of their development at the school of Montessori in Rome, Italy. At first, the school was built in 1907, and was placed for the children whose age was between 3 and 6 of the poor families.

According to Dr.Montessori, the greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, ’’The children are now working as if I did not exist".

That means ‘teachers are dedicated to help support children behind the scenes. She was also said that ‘Education is a natural process carried out by the child’. 

I, as a teacher, was deeply impressed such quotes above, and recognized, children in the film were working by their own quietly and peacefully.

Teacher’s role is not to control children but to direct the child to the path he is developmentally ready to take. In addition, teachers need to propel children to natural curiosity and sense of wonder.


Thank you for reading (or listening) this time as well!


See you next time!   

Bye for now.

Teacher Asuka

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