(日本の魅力)What’s the attractive spots in Japan?

每週主題: My Country/Town is Actually Famous for 〇〇!

Teacher Asuka

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Hello, everyone. It's Teacher Asuka.

Today , we're talking about

'What’s the attractive spots in Japan?'


The other day I read an article on Japan’s attractive spots.

What do you think about the spots? Do you have any recommendations?

According to it, there are more than 20 spots!

I’ll tell you some of them from now on.


Firstly, most guests from overseas tend to be deeply impressed Japan’s natural scenic beauty such as traditional scenery in Kyoto and Nara. CNN shows us Great Buddha especially which is both in Kamakura and in Nara, introduces that you can see such a breath-taking beauty there.

Secondly, overseas visitors can enjoy spending one of the energetic and active towns, Osaka, where they can go from Kyoto for less than 1 hour by train. They can see lots of neon lights, unique signboards as well as various food samplings, which are just like the real things, that is fakes within shop’s show windows. You can also try to make some such food samplings at some shops as a souvenir.

food samplings

Thirdly, some reporters from overseas tried eating supreme dish of Kobe Beef, whose price is around 5000 yen. They ate them as a marvelous cuisine in their lifetime and they were all satisfied with that cuisine.

Kobe Beef

Fourthly, such overseas visitors tend to be surprised to see the Japanese Expensive Fruits. Even though the price of 15 strawberries is almost 4000 yen, to my surprise, they bought and ate them. They found that strawberries extremely sweet like sweets.

Finally, there are various kinds of animal-centered cafes in Japan such as Cat’s Café, Owl’s Café, Hedgehog Café (in Tokyo), Mame-Shiba-Inu Café and so on. You are healed by spending with such animals for 10 minutes.  


Well, it seems there are many kinds of  Cool Japan’s attractive spots like above. As the proverb says, ‘ Seeing is believing’, you should come and visit Japan to experience such wonderful attractive spots with your friends and family when the COVID-19 back to normal.


Thank you for staying with me as well.

See you next time. 

Teacher Asuka

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