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隣の芝生は青い - The grass Is greener on the other side!

周间主题: Are you more of a “beach person (海派)” or a “mountain person (山派)“? or a "〇〇person?


Are you more of a summer person or a winter person?
Are you more of a beach person or a mountain person?

These are really hard questions for me personally!
Actually, I think my answer even changes depending on what season it is (LOL - haha!) 

When it's freezing cold here in Austria, I'm always dreaming of the summer.

But then the summer comes, and I'm sitting on the beach for a month, getting fat and lazy. Now, I dream of cool forests and mountains, where I can ski and be a little more active by doing some mountain hiking!

I guess for me, the grass is always greener on the other side.
I love both the sea and mountains, and summer and winter! 

What kind of person are you:
Are you a beach or mountain person?
Are you a summer or winter person?

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  • Yara

    Kazuko, I knew you'd be a mountain person, there's definitely no surprise there!
    'I love autumn because it brings delicious seasonal vegetables' is that what you mean? You'll have to tell me more about that. Or is it because you can cook using the chimney thing? haha!

    Misako that's awesome. I totally would love to live on a tropical island too. What a dream!

    Hello Yoshiko, interesting! So I guess autumn is really quite popular in Japan isn't it! I'll have to check it out.

  • Yoshikogreen

    Hi Yara. I think I'm a mountain person rather than a beach person. Because I'm weak in the direct sunlight and the wind on the beach. When it comes to my favorite season, I definitely love autumn! It's very pleasant without air conditioners in Japan(◠‿◕). So I'm not a summer or winter person, either.

  • Misako39

    Hi, Yara! That's interesting questions. I'm a beach and summer person! Actually, I don't like the cold season so much. I want to live on a tropical island!

  • namunike

    I'm definitely a mountain person. I like mountain climbing in my free time. It’s a great feeling when I reach the top of a mountain after a long journey. But there is a Japanese proverb "馬鹿と煙は高い所が好き”(LOL)
    When I go skiing, I'm a winter person, and when I go mountain climbing, I'm a summer person. But I love autumn because of a lot of delicious food!

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