(2021年に達成した一つの目標と2022年への抱負)The one goal I have achieved in 2021 and wishes for the year 2022

每週主題: One goal you achieved in 2021 is…

Teacher Asuka

Teacher Asuka's English Wave, English Broadcasting as follows:

Happy New Year, everyone!

May the new year bring us plenty of happiness and love!

I am pleased to let you know that I undertook some students who want to pass the Eiken, English Proficiency test last year, and all of them have passed it finally. Making such students successful conclusion was one of my goals in 2021.

They have achieved their goal at last although they have challenged and endured to get it for a long time. Their accomplishment was wonderful, and I am proud of their challenges and success.

Under the COVID-19 pandemic situation, it seems that people are becoming inward-looking and tend not to try new things. However, if you do not try something new, you will never be able to be achieved.

Students here on Cafetalk are eager to improve their own skills little by little and they give good influence on me. I am happy to being an online tutor member on Cafetalk. Helping students is always one of my pleasures.

Another goal for the year 2022 is to support such students more and as many people as possible will continue to grow in the future. The reason is that, I suppose, definitely,self-education ability will be needed and be useful in such unpredictable times after COVID-19.


Thank you for staying with me as usual. See you next time!
Bye for now.

Teacher Asuka

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