(長く働く時代がやってきた)Work Longer Era

Teacher Asuka

Here's my English Broadcasting below:

Hello, everyone. How are you today? It's Teacher Asuka.

Today, I'm going to talk about 'Work Longer Era'.

There has been a controversial issue concerning “compulsory retirement should not be abolished in Japan”. Although some people might say such a way of thinking, I support the idea that “compulsory retirement should be abolished in Japan” for the following three reasons.

First, the way of working is changing rapidly, just after COVID-19 pandemic has happened. There are some restrictions when we go out for somewhere to eat, travel around. We must wear masks, wash our hands to stay clean, and we need to stay home amid severe COVID-19 situation as much as possible. Therefore, a lot of workers are told to stay home and work online by their companies. For those reasons, there has been an environment that most people can work online.

Second, because of longevity, people tend to work much longer than before even when they have reached the age of retirement from 60 to 65. They want their work two or three days a week while they need to do their hobbies or households in their free time. Such elderly will enjoy their own lives. Some of them transfer their original photos to their Facebook, and Instagram. It seems that most people will come to know their ways of living after their retirement little by little through such social media and so on.

Thirdly, it depends on the field, some companies such as MacDonalds, MOS Food Service start to employ such elderly as a part-time. Such employment system will bring lots of benefits both companies and elderly. The elder workers have their talents, skills, and knowledge and can continue contributing to their company, while companies can employ such skilled and talented workers much longer than before.

That's why, in terms of longevity era, I think it might be a clever idea to abolish compulsory retirement system as well as to revise public pension system in Japan, moreover, overall recruitment system in the future. Most important thing is for workers to be able to choose retirement or continue to work longer.

Thank you for staying with me as usual.
See you next time!

Teacher Asuka
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