
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Zach McLaughlin 講師のコラム

2022 Playlist

今週のテーマ: 一番よく聞いている音楽類は?


Photo: Best of alexrainbirdMusic // Vol. 6 (800k Subscribers Playlist)

These days, there are four kinds of music that I keep coming back to:

  • When I have time to enjoy a nice breakfast and cup of coffee in the morning or maybe do a little cleaning or reading, I listen to some bossa nova.
  • When I’m enjoying a beer in the afternoon or playing a game, I listen to music that has an 80s vibe, like The Midnight or Scandroid. Somehow, even though this music was created more recently, it feels really nostalgic. 
  • When I have company over or when I’m cooking or eating dinner, I put Alex Rainbird Indie/Folk/Pop playlists on in the background. They create a really cozy mood.
  • In the evening, when I want to really feel peaceful, I listen to Lord of the Rings: The Shire - Music and Ambience and relax with Gandalf haha!

Finally, once in a while, if I need a little boost of energy, I listen to something different, like The Irish Pub Song or maybe something by Monkey Majik.

That’s my 2022 playlist so far!

