The Best Intentions...

周间主题: Tell us about a good habit that you have


The thing about good habits is that it's hard to keep up with them! I'm very good at coming up with good ideas for the habits I could adopt, but I rarely manage to continue with them for long! I only have one daily habit that I stick to religiously - writing in my diary. I have a special diary called One Line A Day. It's easy to write this diary because the space is very small, only big enough for a couple of sentences to sum up my day. So this is my main good habit!
At the start of the year, I set myself some New Years Resolutions to form good habits. I made them easy to stick to, but even these have proved difficult. Here are my resolutions for 2022:
1. Read One Book a Month - in the past, I used to read roughly one book a week, but now that I'm a mother, I don't have much time! So far I've managed to stick to this one!
2. Cook One New Thing a Month - it's so easy to cook the same dishes again and again. However, I want to have an excuse to try new recipes. So each month I promise to make one new thing that I haven't cooked before.
3. Do Yoga Every Week - this one is tricky! I aim to practice yoga for just 30 minutes a week, but sometimes I'm busy and only manage 15 minutes, or maybe I don't practice at all! I wish I could form a good habit with my yoga, but it's hard... maybe I'm just lazy?!
What are your good habits? Leave me a comment to let me know! If you also like reading books, perhaps you'd like to join my book club lesson? Get in touch!


Book Club

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英语   母语程度
日语   没有不通顺感
中文   日常会话程度
瑞典语   只能说一点


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