The Best Intentions...

今週のテーマ: あなたの良い癖は何ですか?


The thing about good habits is that it's hard to keep up with them! I'm very good at coming up with good ideas for the habits I could adopt, but I rarely manage to continue with them for long! I only have one daily habit that I stick to religiously - writing in my diary. I have a special diary called One Line A Day. It's easy to write this diary because the space is very small, only big enough for a couple of sentences to sum up my day. So this is my main good habit!
At the start of the year, I set myself some New Years Resolutions to form good habits. I made them easy to stick to, but even these have proved difficult. Here are my resolutions for 2022:
1. Read One Book a Month - in the past, I used to read roughly one book a week, but now that I'm a mother, I don't have much time! So far I've managed to stick to this one!
2. Cook One New Thing a Month - it's so easy to cook the same dishes again and again. However, I want to have an excuse to try new recipes. So each month I promise to make one new thing that I haven't cooked before.
3. Do Yoga Every Week - this one is tricky! I aim to practice yoga for just 30 minutes a week, but sometimes I'm busy and only manage 15 minutes, or maybe I don't practice at all! I wish I could form a good habit with my yoga, but it's hard... maybe I'm just lazy?!
What are your good habits? Leave me a comment to let me know! If you also like reading books, perhaps you'd like to join my book club lesson? Get in touch!


Book Club


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英語   ネイティブ
日本語   不便を感じない
中国語   日常会話程度
スウェーデン語   カタコト


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