3 useful expressions with "an animal"

Yishu H.

Today, we are learning another 3 expressions that include words of animals. 


First one is “as sick as a parrot”.


Does this expression mean that someone is very sick? Let me give you 3 examples.

  • I was as sick as a parrot when I saw someone had scratched my new car!
  • He was as sick as a parrot when he saw how much litter had been left in the park.
  • When I heard my colleague got a promotion over me, I was as sick as a parrot.

So, do you have the answer now?


Ok, when someone says they are as sick as a parrot they mean they are very disappointed about something. 


Second one is “cool cat”.


Still, can you understand it after you read the examples below?

  • Jethro is such a cool cat! He always dresses in the latest fashion.
  • Yuqing is so awesome to work with. She’s funny and never gets stressed out. She’s one cool cat! 
  • I met Tano at a jazz music performance! He plays the saxophone and he’s such a cool cat.


Can you have a guess now?

This expression is used to describe a person who is exceptionally fashionable and trendy. It is also used to describe someone who is funny, charming, and quite often relaxed.


Ok, the last one is “rat race”


Let’s look at some examples first.

  • I’m going to quit the rat race. I earn all this money but I never have enough time to spend it! It’s just work, work, work! 
  • People complain about the rat race, but if you earn enough, you can retire at 50! 
  • Nieves decided to quit the rat race after she had a serious health scare. She realised that the money wasn’t worth the stress. 


You probably have had an answer in you head already. Ok, so let’s find out together!


When we say someone join the rat race, we mean she or he gets really competitive at work and concentrate on promotions and pay rises at the expense of their free time.


OK, that’s for today. If you want to learn more English expressions that include animals, please give my class a try. I am very looking froward to seeing you!

By for now~


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