(平和のテーブル)Table for Peace!

Teacher Asuka

Table for peace! 

My latest English broadcasting below:

Hello, everyone! How are you today? It's Teacher Asuka.

Today, I'm going to talk about 'table for peace', which was shown by Dr. Maria Montessori who is famous for its 'Montessori education method'. This is one of the peaceful solutions for children's troublesome or problems without violence.  


"Table for peace" is a set of children-sized table and a pair of chairs. The table is settled in the quiet room, and adults can see how that children's talk is going on. A simple flower is decorated on the middle of the table. You need to choose the flower without be folded because a child holds while he/she talks.    


I'll give you an example how such a way of solution works.  A child, who is angry at another child will invite such a child to the table to talk to solve in a peaceful way. The child who invites can start talking first with holding a flower and tell him/her why invites to the table and what word has damaged. After this, the child hands the flower in another child, another child starts talking. They continue talking like above to the end peacefully to solve the problem.

When they solve it completely, they say 'we declare peace'. If it doesn't work well, another child or a teacher can join to solve.  


We need to be aware of three things below: when you join "table for peace",  people who is holding flower can talk, people hand in the flower gently with each other after talking and people use good words while talking. 


It is said that children who master how to join “table for peace” can help another child in trouble to solve in a peaceful way. 


All we have to do is to indicate solving problems in a peaceful way with communication from our early childhood because we have speech.  


Through the Montessori method of education above, we've found it important very much to communicate with each other without weapons or violence for living in peace and making peaceful world. 

Thank you for joining me as usual. See you next time!
Teacher Asuka


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