Phrasal Verbs about Friendship #2

Tutor Mercy

Here are some more phrasal verbs to use while talking about friendships.

6. Hear (someone) out - to listen to what a person says when they're sad, in trouble or in an argument.
 Eg: It was a tough day today, but thanks for hearing me out.
       If only Sierra would hear Sam out, she would understand that it was not his fault.
7. Have (someone's) back - to support someone or defend them.
Eg: They were being really mean to me but thanks for having my back. 

8. Make up - try to make things right with a person whom you hurt.
Eg: I'm sorry I missed you birthday party. How about I take you hiking next week to make it up to you?

9. Stand by - to be with someone, usually through difficult times
Eg: True friends stand by you no matter what.

10. Grow apart - to no longer be close to someone as you were before, mainly because of the distance.
Eg: Ian and Priyanka were good friends at school. They moved to different cities for college and eventually grew apart.

Check out my new lessons ' Regular Conversation Practice' and 'Game Time'.
Happy learning!


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