Strengthening Vocabulary and Phrasal verbs through Reading


An excerpt from the book ‘The Night Tiger’ by Yangsze Choo

Read the following excerpt: 

‘Suicide? She was upset, but she wasn’t suicidal!’

‘Her family doesn’t think she was, either. This morning, the body was brought in for an autopsy.’

‘Who did it – Rawlings?’

‘Yes. According to his first impressions, she ingested something early in the morning, before breakfast. Perhaps some folk remedy – her mother said she complained of stomach pains.’

‘So why did you need a statement from me?’ William’s head is foggy now, his knees weak with tension.

‘We just wanted to confirm her movements this weekend. Though it appears you spent most of Saturday night at the hospital attending to your houseboy,’ Captain Singh says smoothly.

Is it William’s imagination, or has the man been stringing him along?


The above is an excerpt from a book which I am reading at the moment, called The Night Tiger.

See if you are able to find or guess the meanings of all the words in bold on your own before you refer to  their answers below.


Suicidal – (adjective) – one who is very unhappy and likely to commit suicide or take his own life

Brought in – to take somebody to another place

Ingested – take food or drink by swallowing or consuming it

Stringing him along -from the phrasal verb 'string along' - to mislead someone

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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