Is it REALLY Unusual to Eat by Yourself?

每週主題: Fall flavors: pumpkin spice, apple cider, and more

Emi M

Hokkaido, where I live, is a potato producing area.
This photo is of potatoes grown at my garden! For me, the flavor of autumn is potatoes!

I caught a lot this year!


It grew well because the sunlight hours and amount of rain were good this year.


Potato fries, potato salad, meat and potatoes, croquettes...I can make a lot!

By the way, I once heard a Japanese language learner say, “I don't want to seem like a lonely person, so I have lunch with my colleagues I don't like.”


If you want to eat alone, just eat! It doesn't matter how others see you! ...I think so.


Eating alone is normal in Japan.

I also often eat alone.


I made a video about eating alone.

Please take a look at it!


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