New Year Resolutions

周间主题: New Year, New Skills: Learning Opportunities in 2024

Hannah N

At the start of a new year people like to make resolutions for things they want to do during the year. Often, people want to learn a new skill, like learning a language. I think learning a new language is a great hobby to have, no matter how old you are or what your job is. It keeps your brain healthy, and it's a fun way to learn about different cultures and countries. For me, the best thing is that you can make friends with people and speak to them in their native language. It's the best way to open your mind to the world. :) 

Sadly, a lot of people become busy or lose motivation and their new year resolution fails after only a few days. But, if you want to keep up your langauge learning, I think it's best to have small goals, such as study for 15 mins a day rather than 1 hour a day. That way, you are more likely to achieve your goals and feel less stressed. 


General English

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英语   母语程度
中文   没有不通顺感
日语   日常会话程度
法语   日常会话程度
韩语   只能说一点


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