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What English lesson types would you like to see on CafeTalk?

Liz English

Hi to all the students reading this, and thank you to those of you who have already selected me as their tutor. I'm an experienced teacher but new to this platform and so far I'm absolutely loving it, I've met some great students and the site is incredibly user-friendly.
A question for you : I am busily developing new lessons to release over the coming weeks but would like to ask you, the students, what sort of lessons you would most like to see from me?
Feel free to put a comment below this, or pop by for a chat sometime. It would be great to hear your views.


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英語   母語程度
塞爾維亞語   日常會話程度
法語   日常會話程度

Liz English 講師的人氣專欄

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