~ Peaceful Silence...


During an early walk in the brisk-air this morning and as Christmas is approaching, my thoughts went into “poetry-mode”, so I wanted to share this with you, in order to also get you into a ‘festive feeling-mode’ ...

Peaceful Silence...

As the peace of the day flows smoothly away,

With sunshine in sky and clouds floating up high,

Sweet brussles crispen the air as leaves roll around with jolly flare,
And the light breeze blows softly with ease, as Nature simply wants to please.

And as the sky turns grey, since the sun is fading away,
Colours so unreal flood the sky with abundant appeal,

Pink and orange and purple and blue, fill the sky through and through.

Slowly but surely colourful-life sinks into the Earth, and then begins
 a whole new birth.

Twinkles in the sky start to shine, as stars appear that are so divine.

And now he shows his peaceful face, as the Moon peers out from behind 
a cloud with grace.

Silence is dark, Silence is bright, 
Peaceful Silence is here at night.

Silence is dark, Silence is bright, 
Peaceful Silence is here at night.



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