1st Jan 2014 ~ WELCOME ~


Welcome to a new year, a new Blog, a new you, a new me and a new next stage of your life ...

Yes, I know that sounds like a LOT, and it actually is! The simple thing to decide is “How much of a ‘new me’ do I really want?”

I have used it before and will use it again (and again), as it is so very true;

If nothing changes, NOTHING CHANGES!

The same ideas and dedication you had in 2012 didn’t work in 2013, and the same thing here ~> if you want more, if you want better, if you want to be greater, YOU HAVE TO DO GREATER!!

I went to one Shrine at 00:00 last night with friends, slept for 4 hours, visited another one today, went to the office, did some shopping, did some washing, cooked dinner, just did an hour of exercise, ate dinner, calls to England and now writing this for you ~> in order for you to practise your English and build motivation and inner strength ~ ~>> ‘give forward’ ~ helping you also helps improve me, too ;-)

2014 started with THE MOST JOYOUS OF NEWS for me ~ this year IS and WILL BE a fantastic year. 

So WELCOME to the new me and please WELCOME THE NEW YOU, as well. 


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英語   母語程度
日語   接近母語程度
法語   日常會話程度
德語   日常會話程度
荷蘭語   只能說一點
西班牙語   只能說一點


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