Word of the Day - Vernacular

Brian R.

Hello tutors and learners! Free conversation classes are very popular on CafeTalk and are great for practicing speaking and listening in English. It depends on the topics that you talk about in the class, but the language most of us use in conversation is called the "vernacular." This is what most students are looking for in conversation classes; a chance to learn and practice the vernacular.

What does "vernacular" mean?


Vernacular, the noun, is the native language of a place. It can also refer to the everyday expressions used by people or to the vocabulary used inside a particular place or profession. The adjective means native or indigenous.


"Every place has it's own vernacular."

"America, England, South Africa and Australia all have different English vernacular."

This word is not used often, however it is an academic word that you can use when talking about language in different places. Try and use it in your next conversation :).

Happy learning everyone!

Brian R.

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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