月曜日9月24日 Hellos and soon goodbyes from Florida ~


I am actually preparing to move back to Japan again, so I have numerous things rolling around my mind as I am doing ten things at the same time getting everything ready. During all of these goings-on, a few unique English terms/phrases (for what reason I have not idea) popped into my mind that I wanted to share with you...

Adam and Eve Verb. Believe. Cockney rhyming slang. E.g."I don't Adam and Eve it, it's not true!"

aggro Noun. Aggressive troublemaking, violence, aggression. Abb. of aggravation.

airy-fairy Adj. Lacking in strength, insubstantial. {Informal}

all fur coat and no knickers Phrs. Of a woman, all superficial appearance and no real substance beneath.

all mod cons Noun. All the fixtures and fittings necessary and expected - an abb. of all modern conveniences.

bad egg Noun. A miscreant, a corrupt person, an untrustworthy person. Cf. 'good egg'.

bad hair day Noun. 1. A day when one is unable to arrange one's hair into a satisfactory and pleasing style. 2. Used figuratively for a problematic and difficult day.

bang on Adj./Adv. Exactly, correct. {Informal}

Good luck using them ...

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