Quick Tuesday tips ~


I'm off to an old 'Longevity' village in Yamanashi for the day, so here are a few quick tips for you...

1. Focus on your interests
Read about your hobbies in English or if acting is your thing, join an English drama group. You'll feel more energized to study something you enjoy!

2. Use the shower

Why not use this alone time to practice speaking and going over the events of your day in English? Speaking is very important in learning a language. Reading aloud is also helpful, but the shower might not be the best time for this - ha ha!

3. Review before bedtime

Spend just a few short minutes quickly reviewing important information before you go to sleep. Studies have shown that your brain processes information that is fresh in your mind while you sleep, so this is a great ‘study/processing time’.

4. Don't get discouraged

Sometimes it may seem as though you are not making progress, when in fact you are. Don't give up and you will surely see the benefits in the end.

Remember that “Nothing changes, if nothing changes!”

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英语   母语程度
日语   接近母语程度
法语   日常会话程度
德语   日常会话程度
荷兰语   只能说一点
西班牙语   只能说一点


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