I wanted to share this with you ~


I wanted to share this with you ~>

After that incredible experience of actually going inside the inner-core areas of Meiji Jingu, there was something else also extraordinary that happened at the Meiji Kinenkan afterwards...

First of all, you have just GOT TO SEE the gorgeous chandelier that is the main attraction-point as soon as you enter the building! The interior decorations and long staircase are what you would imagine you would see at the Cinderella Ball ~ very spectacular (see photo).

chandelier 1
chandelier 2

However another funny thing happened during the party/dinner ~

Not meaning it in a bad way -> most men just wear black suits or tuxedos to weddings (and funerals, and change ties according to the occasion). This is convenient but does not compare to the glamourous and colourful kimonos and dresses that women often wear.

Those that know me (I like to be a little colourful at times) know that that is not the normal attire I choose, however just arriving back recently means I do not have my normal selection of suits and shirts and ties to play with. But since a Wedding is a ‘celebration’, I personally do not think that “black” is an appropriate colour (my thought/opinion), so I wore something a little lighter (see photo).
11-18-2012 Meiji Jingu wedding

The funny experience was a game ~ people wrote on ‘pink’ and ‘blue’ paper who they thought were the best-dressed people...

As it is the the bride and groom's special day, of course I choose them as the best dressers!!

However, when they started to read the results and called out; “the man with a grey suit (hmmm, I think I am the only one in grey), wearing a burgundy/red shirt (hmmm, I am the only one in that colour), with a Mickey Mouse tie (that is definitely me!)”

I stood up, put on my jacket and walked to the front to receive my prize. They then read the best female dresser: “the young lady wearing a black-lace dress, sparkly-buttoned sweater, with a white bow-tie and cute ribbon in her hair” ~> a VERY embarrassed 8 year old girl came to the front. Prior to being called out, she was running around singing and laughing and having fun with everyone but as soon as she realized it was her, she totally ‘hardened-up’ and didn’t want to move ~ SO SWEET!


We were given prizes and then asked to do a ‘model walk’ up and down the centre of the room ~ so playing along in the ‘mode’ of things, I took off my jacket, slung it over my shoulder and I made “the walk” up and down the room. 

We both got cheers from the audience and then the official photographer took pictures of me and the little girl -> she was still very tense but did her ‘peace sign’, so I got down on my knees and joined-in ~ at least that made her smile 

What a fun time!


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  • Robin

    I told you the chandelier was amazing! Sooooooo big ~ absolutely breathtaking!!

  • Yoko

    Wow ! What a gorgeous chandelier ! It's just like a galaxy! Also, conglatulations to be chosen as a best male dresser, Robin !!! ... wearing a red shirt with Mickey Mouse tie ! No wonder you were chosen ! I'm afraid that you were more outstanding than the bride and groom in the party. Haha!!

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