The perfect student robot ...


There she stood, this 6 or 7 year old little girl ~

Standing perfectly upright, facing at a 45% angle in the direction that the fast-paced train was moving, school hat and uniform perfectly aligned (of course no creases anywhere), back pack perfectly on her shoulders - not too heavy and not too light. 

With a straight and calm face she gently lifted the cover of her cell phone holder (perfectly positioned on her left shoulder) to gaze at the time, then smoothly returned the phone and calmly and perfectly closed the cover. She re-opened her book ~ held at arms-length (of course) ~ and returned to reading.

A few minutes later, gently closing the book cover, she gazed outside, then once more checked the time in ‘perfect fashion’ to realise that the train would be arriving at the station in 2 minutes time.

With tender and caring arms, she held her book close to her chest with crossed-arms and eloquently made her way to the door in preparation to exit the train.

The doors started to open and with perfect timing when the width was perfect for her perfect body to perfectly fit through, she gently bowed and exited the train.

WOW! Everything was as if I was seeing the next Japanese Royal Family Princess in-training.

But was she ‘real’ or a ‘robot’ ? 

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荷蘭語   只能說一點
西班牙語   只能說一點


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