Timeless Evening Aarti(Worship-Prayer) Video at the Mighty Ganges in Varanasi!

Learn with Professor Ashish

Every evening, as dusk descends, it's time for the Ganga Aarti to be performedat the three holy cities of HaridwarRishikesh, and Varanasi in India. It's avery powerful and uplifting spiritual ritual. But what's its meaning and how can you see it?

What is the Ganga Aarti?

An aarti is a devotional ritual that uses fire as an offering. It's usually made in the form of a lit lamp, and in the case of the Ganges River, a small diya with a candle and flowers that's floated down the river. The offeringis made to the Goddess Ganga, also affectionately referred to asMaa Ganga, goddess of the most holy river in India.


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