Nayeon Basic vocabulary and pattern for beginners

Basic vocabulary and pattern for beginners

60 分鐘
listen and follow, learn natural pronunciation, intonation, and expression. The curriculum is provided at the student's interest and request.


this is a "basic conversation class" for beginners.^^
안녕하세요. 이 수업은 초보자를 위한 기초 회화 수업이에요.^^

you're gonna learn these things together in general.
  •  basic greetings
  •  self-introductions 
  •  terms that are often used in everyday life.
이 수업에서는 처음엔 기본 인사하기부터 자기소개하기를 배울 거예요.
일상 생활에 자주 쓰이는 표현들을 통해 자연스럽게 대화하는 법을 배울 거예요.

I'll prepare my own class materials suitable for student.
Even after class, I'll give you feedback and corrections
through writing and recording.

저는 학생에게 잘 맞는 저만의 수업 자료들을 준비할 거예요.
또 저는 수업이 끝나도 글쓰기와 녹음을 통해 피드백과 교정을 도와드릴거예요^^

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  • 課程時間前 24 小時內 → 講師將可能收取消費。
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  • Lesson image
    Lesson image

    Free conversation with various topics

    Through various situation plays, you will learn more native expressions and intonations. Also, we freely share opinions on various topics. I will make a curriculum according to the student's interests and needs.
    60 分鐘   1,500
