This course will help you become familiar with the mode and type of questions of the HSK test. The course will assist you in understanding the test’s contents and focuses, as well as master test-taking strategies. The course is essential to helping you pa
HSK Level 1
• Course Content: Basic Chinese characters and vocabulary, simple daily conversations.
• Goal: Master 150 common words and basic grammar structures.
• Exam Focus: Listening and reading comprehension.
HSK Level 2
• Course Content: Expanded vocabulary, more daily conversations, and short text reading.
• Goal: Master 300 common words and basic grammar.
• Exam Focus: Listening, reading, and simple writing.
HSK Level 3
• Course Content: Intermediate vocabulary and grammar, conversations in daily life and work scenarios.
• Goal: Master 600 common words and more complex grammar structures.
• Exam Focus: Listening, reading, and writing.
HSK Level 4
• Course Content: Advanced vocabulary and grammar, complex conversations, and article reading.
• Goal: Master 1200 common words and advanced grammar.
• Exam Focus: Listening, reading, and writing.
HSK Level 5
• Course Content: Higher-level vocabulary and grammar, articles and conversations in professional fields.
• Goal: Master 2500 common words and complex grammar.
• Exam Focus: Listening, reading, and writing.
HSK Level 6
• Course Content: Comprehensive vocabulary and grammar, in-depth reading and writing in academic and professional fields.
• Goal: Master over 5000 words, and be able to communicate fluently in Chinese.
• Exam Focus: Listening, reading, and writing.
HSK 1級
• コース内容:基本的な漢字と語彙、簡単な日常会話。
• 目標:150の一般的な単語と基本的な文法構造を習得する。
• 試験の重点:リスニングと読解。
HSK 2級
• コース内容:語彙の拡張、より多くの日常会話と短文の読解。
• 目標:300の一般的な単語と基本的な文法を習得する。
• 試験の重点:リスニング、読解、簡単な作文。
HSK 3級
• コース内容:中級の語彙と文法、日常生活や仕事の場面での会話。
• 目標:600の一般的な単語とより複雑な文法構造を習得する。
• 試験の重点:リスニング、読解、作文。
HSK 4級
• コース内容:上級の語彙と文法、複雑な会話と文章の読解。
• 目標:1200の一般的な単語と上級の文法を習得する。
• 試験の重点:リスニング、読解、作文。
HSK 5級
• コース内容:より高度な語彙と文法、専門分野の文章と会話。
• 目標:2500の一般的な単語と複雑な文法を習得する。
• 試験の重点:リスニング、読解、作文。
HSK 6級
• コース内容:包括的な語彙と文法、学術および専門分野での深い読解と作文。
• 目標:5000以上の単語を習得し、中国語で流暢にコミュニケーションできるようになる。
• 試験の重点:リスニング、読解、作文。
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- La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.
Dopo che la richiesta sia stata confermata (fissata)
- Più di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.
- Meno di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione.
No-Show→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione. Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.
(Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.)
Le sue lezioni
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