Teacher Emma Level 3 Team Zebras: English Course for children! and adults!

Level 3 Team Zebras: English Course for children! and adults!

25 分鐘 X 5
15 分鐘
700 點
5 堂課程包
每堂 1,400 點
Levels: A1+ and Ages 5+ Book a trial for placement! 6 units, 48 classes in total!


此為 5 堂課程的課程包。當講師確定第 1 堂課程預約後,另外 4 堂將會以優惠券的形式自動發送供之後預約使用。請注意,課程包優惠券使用期限為第 1 堂課程時間後的 30 天內

課程應按時間順序預約,即第 2 堂課程的時間應在第 1 堂之後。以此類推。



after completing my Team Monkeys English course. 

This course is perfect for expanding sentences, fluency,  improving grammar,  reading and vocabulary. 
Unit 1: Days and months, capitalization.

Key words days of the week, months of the year, before, after, between, and ordinal numbers; first, second, third.
Phonics: short and long /a/ - CVC
Grammar: to come, and to follow.
Key sentences:
What day/month is it?
What day comes before/after…?
How many days are in a week/months in a year?
What is the …. Month of the year?

Unit 2: Clothing, Present Continuous tense
Spring, summer, autumn, winter. This, that, those, why, hot, cold
Shirt, trousers, jacket, clothes, socks, underwear, jumper …
Phonics: short /e/, long /e/, hard /g/ and soft /g/
Grammar: /to wear/ to put on/ to get dresses/
What is/are you/he/she/it wearing?
What is/are this/that/those?
What clothes do you wear in srping/summer/winter…?
Are these clothes for hot or cold weather?

Unit 3: My Body, regular plurals, sentence and punctuation.
Face, eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, eyesbrows, hair, chin, neck, stomach, elbow...
Phonics: short /i/, long /i/
Grammar: Verbs,  /to have/ to dance/ to throw/ to touch/ ....
What is/are this/these?
Do you have a ...?
How many ... do you/he/she/it have?
What can your do...?
What do you wear on your ...?
Unit 4: The Senses, descriptive adjectives
Bright, dark, loud, quiet, noise, sound, fingers, hands, soft, hard, tongue, mouth, sweet, salty ...
Phonics: short /o/, long /o/
Grammar: Verb; /to see/ to look/ to whisper/ to smell/ ....
What are you looking at?
How does it ...
What makes this sound?
What is your favorite taste/smell?
Unit 5: Celebrations and Holidays, possessive adjectives, Present Continuous tense, adverbs of frequency.
Old, birthday, party, cake, candles whose, thanksgiving, harvest, native people, party, presents, guests, decorations, Christmas, New year…
Phonics: short /u/, long /u/
Grammar: Verb; /to light/ to open/ to celebrate/ to visit/ ....
How old are you?
When is your birthday, will you have a party?
What do they celebrate?
Who celebrates …? And how?
What gifts do you give?
Why do people celebrate…?
Unit 6: Animal Bodies, telling time by the hour, irregular plurals 
Goat, tail, elephant, trunk, giraffe, neck, shark, fin, beak, horn, eagle, beak, tiger, claws, horse, hoofed kangaroo, koala, bear…
Phonics: review short and long vowels
Grammar: Verb; /to jump/ to move/ to swim/ to crawl/ to climb/ ….
How does a …. move?
What animal has a …?
Can a … jump/ swim/…
What do kangaroos/ koalas carry in their pouch?
This course leads onto my Team tiger  course, B1+ 

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