Homophones: Words that sounds the same but spelled differently.
ホモフォンズ:おなじようにきこえることば、でも、 スペルといみがちがう。
Many English words have the same sound but it is often spelled differently and have different meaning. Learn how to hear different sounds that will help you to get better at spelling.
Rules such as: Eg. When 2 vowels go walking together the first does the talking :D
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Custom-Made Lesson
Lessons are design especially for each student's need and level.60 分钟 2,700 点提供试听 -
Speaking Lvl.1 (スピーキング レベル1)
Let's learn how to greet others, introduce yourself, and talk about yourself.60 分钟 2,600 点提供试听 -
Beginner I (ビギナー 1)
Understand how English words are sound and spell. Great for pronunciation and vocabulary learning and practice.60 分钟 2,600 点 -
Beginner III (ビギナー 3)
Let's learn how to combine 2 words to create 1 meaningful word, and create some simple sentences.60 分钟 2,700 点 -
Beginner IV (ビギナー 4)
Do you know that they are many different types of nouns? Let's learn them all ~60 分钟 2,700 点 -
Speaking Lvl.2 (スピーキング レベル2)
Learn to use correct past, present and future in daily conversation60 分钟 2,700 点提供试听 -
Elementary I ( エレメンタリー 1)
Why learn from boring text books when you have story books to entertain you. Let's learn English through stories.60 分钟 2,700 点 -
Elementary II ( エレメンタリー 2)
All ages are welcome to this class! Why learn from boring text books when you have story books to entertain you. Let's learn English through stories.60 分钟 2,700 点