Maikopich Learn Japanese for working nursing home and hospital
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Learn Japanese for working nursing home and hospital

45 分鐘
10 分鐘
500 點
You can learn vocabularies ,expressions and onomatopoeia that are used in hospital and nursing home.


★About this lesson ★

I've been working at clinic for daiabetic people for 8 years as a nutritionist.
So I know very well about working in hospital and nursing home.

we will learn japanese and culture for working at hospital and nursing home.

You can learn vocablaries,onomatopoeia,and the way of talking with patients  

if you want to work at hospital or nursing home in Japan, you shoud take this lesson!

★Rule of this lesson ★

Please do self intoroduction for 5minutes at the biggining of my lesson.
Please tell me your Japanese level and what do you want to do with Japanese or What is your goal of studying Japanese or how you've been up to these days. 

★After this lesson ★

① I''ll send you Today's new vocablaries and sentences
② I''ll send you  my special comment for you

Let's study Japanese with fun!! 



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