VonVon 占星術 - Astrological Chart

占星術 - Astrological Chart

25 分鐘
10 分鐘
0 點
Understand what brings you to life 生命走向、家庭、愛情、此生使命、前世...


Hi, My name is Von.

I've been passionate and immersed myself in western astrology ,divination and psychics for more than ten years. Although my study background is Design and English, I have a deep interest and research in psychology.  (And I speak two languages, English and Mandarin.)

I used to help some of my friends to read their astrological birth chart and then I find myself have this ability to read a person's life pattern, fate, strength and weakness.  Indeed, helping people makes me feel happy. I believe that there must be a reason why you come to this life. The reason might not be so romantic as we thought. But, understanding your life and realizing where it flows can help you adjust yourself and also make yourself become a better person.

This course is more like interactive consultation. Before you take this course, I'd recommend you to have a free trial class (10 mins). And you would need to provide your birthday date, time and location before you take the actual lesson.

And you could also tell you what part you particularly want to know so that I could explain more when we book the actual lesson.

What you can learn from this course?
1.You will get your personal astrological birth chart ( one person).
2.Understand your destiny, famliy, love and the misson of your life through the analysis of life chart.
3. Find your ability and avoid any dangers
4.Answer your questions 


Hi, 我是Von.



You'll get:
1. 被占星者的命盤
2. 了解自己的家庭、愛情、命運、工作走向
3. 發揮自己的潛在能力和避開可能隱藏的危險
4. 為自己的疑問找到答案

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  • 隨時可以取消。


  • 課程時間前 24 小時以上→ 隨時可以取消。
  • 課程時間前 24 小時內 → 講師將可能收取消費。
  • 缺席→ 講師將可能收取消費。


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