Lem English For Everyone Business English Level 1

English For Everyone Business English Level 1

40 分钟 X 7
30 分钟
0 点
7 堂课程包
每堂 1,200 点
This book is useful for having lessons that focus on business situations


此为 7 堂课程的课程包。当讲师确定第 1 堂课程预约后,另外 6 堂将会以优惠券的形式自动发送供之后预约使用。请注意,课程包优惠券使用期限为第 1 堂课程时间后的 25 天内

课程应按时间顺序预约,即第 2 堂课程的时间应在第 1 堂之后。以此类推。


English For Everyone Business English Level 1 

This lesson pack has 7 lessons in total.

Lesson 1 is a Trial lesson which is 30 minutes, and lessons 2-7 are regular textbook lessons, which are 40 mintues long.  

  • I can email you the materials for the lesson, before the lesson, or you could purchase the text from Amazon. 
  • Within the lessons, we will not do the listening parts within the textbook. We will focus on speaking, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency and comprehension.  
  • Feel free to ask questions, at any point, during the lesson. 

Lesson 1 focuses on 
  • Meeting new colleagues
  • Discussing everyday work activities
  • Countries and continents
  • Asking questions at work
  • Exchanging details
Lesson 2 focuses on 
  • Skills and experience
  • Jobs and employment
  • Choosing a job
  • Describing your workplace
  • Talking about money, pay and conditions
  • Describing coworkersand your job
Lesson 3 focuses on 
  • Discussing workplace routines and free time 
  • Talking about past events
  • Talking about dates and times
  • talking about work experience
  • Talking about a company's background
Lesson 4 focuses on 
  • Making arrangements
  • talking about your plans
  • Agreeing and disagreeing
  • Talking about health and safety
  • Giving advice
  • Giving a presentation
Lesson 5 focuses on
  • Rules and Requests
  • Using work Idioms
  • Discussing issues
  • Giving apologies and explanations
  • Talking about tasks and targets
  • Dealing with complaints
Lesson 6 focuses on 
  • Talking about transportation, travel and making travel arrangements.
  • Asking for directions
  • Describing your stay
  • Eating out situations
  • Welcoming visitiors and hosting confrences
  • Offering and accepting hospitality
Lesson 7 focuses on 
  • Informal and formal phone calls
  • Writing an essay
  • Making plans
  • Communication and emails

Cafetalk 的取消政策


• 「未开始」的课程包(1)随时可以取消。取消后点数将全额退还。
(1) 「未开始」係指课程包尚未经讲师确定。
(2) 「进行中」係指课程包中已有一堂课程经确定。(当讲师确定第一堂课程预约后,系统将自动發送课程包剩馀课程的优惠券供之后预约使用。)


• 若欲取消单堂课程包课程而非整个课程包,请至该课程预约详细页面取消。取消费依讲师的一般课程取消政策而定,但「收取 50% 课程费用为取消费」将不适用。课程包优惠券仅可能返还或抵用。


  • 随时可以取消。


  • 课程时间前 24 小时以上→ 随时可以取消。
  • 课程时间前 24 小时內 → 讲师将可能收取消费。
  • 缺席→ 讲师将可能收取消费。


  • Lesson image
    Lesson image

    Meet and Greet

    Here you we cam meet each other, tell me about yourself, your goals and decide if you would like to take lessons with me in the future.
    15 分钟   500
  • Lesson image
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    Casual conversation

    Here is an opportunity to talk about something that you are interested in or wish to express. The benefit of casual conservation is it prepares you for moments in the real world to have the ability to comfortably interact and speak out to individuals.
    40 分钟   2,200
  • Lesson image
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    Vault Talk lessons are open conversation lessons, where you are able to talk about secret ideas, thoughts, actions, situations, events, happenings, feelings or other topics which you CAN NOT talk about in your everyday life.
    50 分钟   2,600
  • Lesson image
    Lesson image

    English For Everyone Level 1 Beginner

    The material within this book is very helpful to develop communication skills, and overall fluency
    50 分钟 X 7   9,000
    提供试听 40 分钟   0 7 堂课程包 每堂 1,286
  • Lesson image
    Lesson image

    English For Everyone Level 2 Beginner

    The material within this book is very helpful to develop communication skills, and overall fluency.
    50 分钟 X 7   9,000
    提供试听 40 分钟   0 7 堂课程包 每堂 1,286
  • Lesson image
    Lesson image

    Interview Prep

    This lesson focuses on creating a simulation that would help you to prepare for an interview type environment.
    30 分钟 X 6   8,800
    6 堂课程包 每堂 1,467
  • Lesson image
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    Urban Music lyrics

    This lesson focuses on going over HIP HOP/ RAP/ R&B lyrics and discussing context and meanings.
    25 分钟   1,500
  • Lesson image
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    This lesson is good if you are looking for changes to a document that you may need to turn in, or you want reviewed.
    0 分钟   700
  • Lesson image
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    If you have a presentation that you would like to practice, you could reserve this lesson.
    40 分钟   2,700
