General Notices from Tutor Kay visits Japan

New 25 Minute Lesson Format

Вторник, 24 Март 2020 r. 07:38

Hello, everyone!

You might have noticed that I shortened my 30 minute lessons by five minutes. This is to allow a five minute "break" between lessons. I noticed that if there was a glitch with Skype or my computer was slow, it was difficult to switch quickly between lessons. A short break also helps me to review our previous lessons right before speaking with you.

I hope this helps make our lessons together even better in the future! Please feel free to use the available coupoons and lesson packs when booking your next class with me :)

Stay safe and healthy!

Coupon Name: Stay Home and Study! T_T
Code: ae6dd263
Discount Rate: 40%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Mar 9, 2020 ~ Apr 15, 2020
(GMT+09:00 Tokyo)

Lesson: Let's Chat in English (5 x 25 minute lessons)
Price: 3000 Points
Length: 25
Trial Minutes:

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