General Notices from Tutor Rhys (リース)

Vacation times and other announcements

Четверг, 16 Июль 2020 r. 18:28

Hello students 

As lesson numbers have decreased, I've opened my lessons to new students. If you tried to book in the past but couldn't, please feel free to book again.

I will take a vacation from August 23rd to September 7th. If any students would like a coupon extension, please let me know. 

I will also be gone from October 20th to 25th to attend a convention in Calgary. However, because of COVID-19 it is possible that this will be cancelled. 

Lastly, I've decided to return to my hometown (Abbotsford, B.C.) for Christmas break early this year. I will return home on November 30th. I plan to continue teaching from Abbotsford but I will take two weeks off around Christmas. 

Thank you!
Please let me know if you have any questions. 

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