General Notices from Tutor Gabi

Wait to book your next lesson!

Понедельник, 4 Сентябрь 2023 r. 12:12

 Hi students!
Just a heads up that I will be going to Europe for a long period this week. For this reason, I have blocked my entire schedule for the next month, since I don't want to make a mistake in the timezone change and have lessons scheduled in the middle of the night! 
Don't worry, I will open my schedule up again in my new timezone as soon as this Friday Sept. 8, so you can start booking your classes again at that moment!
Also, if my new schedule cannot accomodate you, and you'd like to request a specific time, feel free to message me directly and we'll see if we can arrange it :)
Thank you for your understanding, and looking forward to keep learning with you!


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