Nadin Mai 讲师的通知

Indefinite pause on Cafetalk


Dear all,

it is with gread sadness that I have decided to pause my work on Cafetalk as of 14. August 2024

When I started on Cafetalk, six years ago, it was with apprehension. I wasn't sure if I could really teach German online. Today, I can say that those six years were wonderful. I met a lot of wonderful people, I had hundreds of interesting, fascinating and inspiring conversations with each and every single one of you. I want to thank you for your trust and for your loyalty over the years. I learned a lot from you (even though I was the teacher!) and all of this didn't make the decision easy. 

Unfortunately, teaching on Cafetalk is no longer financially viable. My work isn't about money, but I still have to pay my bills and it becomes increasingly difficult, unless I continue to increase the prices of my classes, which I refuse to do. Every time the yen weakens, the increase is for naught. I have done what I could to mitigate the weak currency, but now is the time to pause my work here. 

Because of this, there will be a number of changes on my profile:
  • I don't accept new students.
  • Language packs will no longer be available (all existing packs can be continued, even extended until mid-August)
  • My availability is drastically reduced to allow me to settle elsewhere. 
The changes come into effect as of today. If you have outstanding packs, don't worry at all. I promise that we will do all classes in the remaining weeks. 

Please get in touch with me if you have any questions at all.

Once again, thank you so much for taking this journey with me over the last six years. I'll be forever greatful for the people I met, for the experience I gained, and, above all, indeed for the friendships that developed over the years. 

Thank you, danke, merci!

All the best and take care,
