General Notices from Tutor Manning

Choosing Curtains - Explained!


Dear Wonderful English-Loving Students,
I apologize; some of my humor left you scratching your heads.  Some curious students have asked about my mention of "picking out curtains" in my previous note.  Allow me to clarify in my usual slightly absurd fashion.
The phrase "picking out curtains" is a humorous way of saying that you’re planning to spend a lot of time with someone — like you would if you were setting up a home together. It’s often used to imply a very close, almost domestic relationship. So when I said I don’t want to pick out curtains with you, I meant that while I deeply care about you all, I’m not suggesting we become roommates or interior decorators together!
Sorry if my humor left you bewildered. Professional comedians say that 9 out of 10 jokes fail, and I’m just an English teacher!  So, thank you for indulging my sense of humor. 
Yours comically,
P.S. To all of you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day, and here’s a silly Dad Joke for you:
I’m reading a book about anti-gravity… It’s impossible to put down!