Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview

Jane G

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Jane G Tutor Interview

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Q. Hi Jane! Would you introduce yourself briefly to the Cafetalk community?

A. Hello – My name is Jane. I have been a teacher for 24 years. I am married and have 1 son who is 24. I have 4 dogs, I love dogs. I also have 8 tortoises. I love all animals and often attend craft fairs to raise money for animals and pets who have been abandoned and are in need of a home. I have a very small family but I have lots of friends who are just like my family… adopted family.

Q. You are actually from the UK, but currently you live in Cyprus. Can you tell us a bit about how you ended up living there, and how life compares to the UK?

A. Yes, I was born and bred in the UK. I am originally from Manchester in England. I have been coming on holiday to Cyprus, a beautiful island in the Mediterranean, for over 10 years. I fell in love with the country, the people and the way of life. In the UK I was very busy, especially the last 6 years because I am my own school. I was working 12-16 hours a day. It started to affect my health so I decided to change the way I live. Now I work freelance for many different employers doing many different educational roles. Life in Cyprus is very relaxed. The motorway is amazing. In England there are traffic jams everyday. I hated driving on the motorway in England. It was very frustrating and stressful. In Cyprus there are only a few cars on the motorway. The motorway runs along the coast road next to the beach. I love driving on the motorway in Cyprus. Everything about the country is less stressful than the UK….and the sun shines. This is a bonus when compared to English weather.

Q. What are you usually up to when you’re not teaching on Cafetalk? On your profile it says you are interested in crocheting! Can you tell us a bit more about that?

A. I have a few different interests. During the summer I like to swim and visit the beach. I like beach combing and finding unusual objects on the beach as well as collecting sea glass. The dogs love to come with me to the beach and love swimming in the sea. Crochet, especially, amigurumi, is my passion. I love to create new toys and animals from yarn. I remember my mother teaching me crochet when I was a child but I wasn’t very interested and was very bad at it too. When I first started semi retirement I was very bored. I suddenly had too much time and not enough to do. I started crochet again. It reminded me of my mother and I liked that. Whenever I am crocheting I hear my mother’s voice telling what stitch to make next and how to make it look better. I find it very relaxing and have enjoyed discovering my creative side.

Q. You have also recently introduced a crocheting lesson! Can you tell us a bit more about that lesson? To which students would you recommend that lesson?

A. Everyone can crochet. I even know men who crochet – although my husband refuses to try it! The crochet lessons are to show people how they can use their hand to create something beautiful. It is not an expensive hobby and can be done with minimum equipment, in the comfort of your own home. I know, from previous experience, that it is very important to have an interest outside of work and do something each day that helps you to relax and unwind. During the lessons I want to show people how relaxing it can be and beneficial to their stress levels. I would like to start by showing simple stitches and then progressing to show how each stitch can be joined together to create a finished project. I will be conducting the lesson in English and because I am an English teacher I will obviously be teaching English at the same time – I can't help myself. This would be a 2 for 1 lesson – crochet & conversational English.

Q. We know that you are well-versed, including things such as teacher training and dyslexia awareness. In your opinion, what is the most important thing to keep in mind when teaching a foreign language?

A. A sense of humour is vitally important. In my opinion if you are not enjoying what you are doing you will never learn. I like my students to laugh and enjoy their time with me. I want them to remember anything I teach them. I think laughter is a great teaching aid. Using your body language and facial expressions, even if it makes you look stupid (which I often do) helps the student to understand and remember – and usually laugh at me too. Whenever I teach new vocabulary I like to create a silly, funny sentence that makes the students laugh. I think this also helps them to understand and remember. I then ask them to make a sentence too. This helps me check their understanding. Sometimes, their sentences are funnier than mine! On our next lesson I will check whether students have remembered and are using this new vocabulary. Vocabulary, phrases and language should also be relevant to the student. It should be about what they want to learn, NOT what I want to teach.

Q. What can students look forward to in your classes that is unique to the way you conduct your lessons?

A. My sense of humour, my funny face, my silly sentences and laughing. Most of all students will learn something new and something that is relevant to them. My varied background in management, education, sales, marketing etc. makes what I teach relevant and useful to them in their life.

Q. You offer a variety of lessons! Which of those lessons is the most fun to teach, and why would you recommend it to your students?

A. I enjoy all my lessons. They are all fun and packed with teaching and learning. However, Phrasal verbs is one of my favourites. We enjoy

Q. Finally, would you like to leave a message for your current and future students?

A. I would like to thank my current students for returning time and time again. You teach me as much as I teach you. Thank you so much. I have a good time and I know they do too. To future students – let’s laugh and learn – see you soon


Jane G
