일본어 면접을 위해 급하게 리퀘스트 드렸습니다만, 바로 진행해주셔서 감사했습니다.
첨삭도 꼼꼼하게 잘 봐주셨고, 친절하게 설명도 잘 해주시고, 자신감도 북돋워주셔서 많은 도움이 되었습니다.
일본에서 일하게 되면 꼭 만날수 있으면 좋겠다고 생각합니다.^^
Lessons with Mai-san are always fun and easy! She gradually introduces natural expressions and better sentence structure, but keeps the focus on communicating the message rather than grammar. I enjoy that very very much. いつもありがとうございます!
Mai-sensei is a kind teacher, she asks a lot of great questions to keep the conversation going, and teaches new expressions with easy-to-understand explanations. I'm inspired to keep learning :)