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Categorie insegnate

Hello everyone!My name is Hisao Matsuno. I live in Yokohama, Japan. I worked for a Japanese company for 36 years—from 1978 to 2014—and did business with people from a variety of different countries including South Korea, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Germany, Belgium, the UK, and the US. I hope that my many years of experience doing business with people from all over the world can help me hel
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 19:00 - 23:00
Mar 19:00 - 23:00
Mer 19:00 - 23:00
Gio 19:00 - 23:00
Ven 19:00 - 23:00
Sab 09:00 - 23:00
Dom 09:00 - 23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

         Hello Everyone! My name is DAHON.What I value in my teaching is "To have students eat a lot of food and feel full and satisfied" I have been teaching Japanese at a Japanese language school in Tokyo for 22 years. I have also obtained the ACTFL OPI Tester Certification, which is a certification that allows me to interview students and check their conversation skills. In my lesson
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Orari disponibili  

Mar 08:00 - 22:00
Mer 08:00 - 22:00
Gio 08:00 - 13:00
Gio 19:00 - 22:00
Ven 08:00 - 22:00
Sab 08:00 - 21:00
Dom 08:00 - 20:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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Categorie insegnate

1.To those who just started to study Japanese language, can speak basic Japanease but want to study grammer thoroughly, and already  passed JLPT N1 or N2 and want to increase the opportunity of conversation: I provide a Jpanease language lessons. according to your level or request. I provide a lesson to Kids, too.Although the lesson is provided basically in Japanese, I will explain in  English if
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 07:30 - 09:30
Lun 19:30 - 21:30
Mar 19:30 - 21:30
Mer 07:30 - 09:30
Mer 19:30 - 21:30
Gio 07:30 - 21:30
Ven 15:00 - 21:30
Sab 07:30 - 14:00
Dom 07:30 - 20:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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Categorie insegnate

Have any problems with learning Japanese or Chinese? Let me help you!     ・Have you passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), Chinese Language Proficiency Test (CLPT), HSK, etc., but still feel like you can’t converse in those languages? ・Do you want to be able to speak Japanese or Chinese more naturally? ・Have you heard of a term in Japanese or Chinese, but wasn&rsquo
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 10:30 - 13:00
Lun 16:00 - 17:00
Lun 23:00 Mar 00:00
Mar 08:30 - 09:30
Mar 16:00 - 20:00
Mar 22:30 Mer 00:00
Mer 11:00 - 13:00
Mer 19:30 Gio 00:00
Gio 09:00 - 11:30
Ven 10:30 - 13:00
Ven 22:30 Sab 00:00
Sab 09:30 - 11:30
Sab 12:30 - 14:00
Sab 17:00 Dom 00:00
Dom 09:00 - 10:00
Dom 11:00 - 14:00
Dom 18:00 - 19:00
Dom 20:00 Lun 00:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

I can't speak English, so unfortunately I can't provide explanations in English. However if you are a student of Chinese or Japanese (language level intermediate or above) and would like to be taught in the target language, I will gladly assist you with your language studies.日本語ができる方は、カフェトークのページを日本語にご設定いただくと、日本語のプロフィールをお読みいただけます。有会中文的学员,可以把咖啡滔客的语言改为中文以后阅读中文版介绍。한국어를 아시는 분은 카페토크 페이지 언어를 한국어로 설정하면 한
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 08:30 - 13:00
Lun 16:30 - 22:00
Mar 08:30 - 13:00
Mar 16:30 - 23:00
Mer 08:30 - 13:00
Mer 16:30 - 23:00
Gio 08:30 - 13:00
Gio 16:30 - 22:00
Ven 08:30 - 13:00
Ven 17:00 - 23:00
Sab 08:30 - 12:00
Sab 17:00 - 23:00
Dom 08:30 - 12:00
Dom 17:00 - 23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Meg JPimage
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Categorie insegnate

【About this lesson】 みなさん、にほんごの べんきょうで こまっていませんか?このレッスンで、あなたの にほんご べんきょうの なやみを かいけつ しましょう! Are you having trouble studying Japanese?If you have, let's solve the problem in this lesson!   たとえば、こんな ことで こまって いませんか? ◇日本語の会話練習をしたいけれど、練習相手が見つからない。 ◇JLPTを受けたいけれど、勉強の計画をうまくたてられなくてこまっている。◇日本語のアクセントをもっと勉強したいけれど、どのように勉強したらいいかわからない。◇敬語を正しく使いこなしたいけれど、難しくて困っている。  ◇日本語をひとりで勉強中だけれど、テキストの内容があまり理解できない。 ◇日本
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Orari disponibili  

Mar 07:00 - 09:00
Mar 20:00 - 21:00
Mer 07:00 - 09:00
Mer 20:00 - 21:00
Ven 07:00 - 09:00
Ven 20:00 - 21:00
Dom 09:00 - 12:00
Dom 17:00 - 18:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

2500Lessons Thanks Coupon(5/5まで) 。.:*・゚+.。.:*・゚+.。.:*・゚+.。.:*・゚+.。.:*・゚+ Hello, everyone! I’m Rina^^ On weekdays, I teach Japanese at a Japanese language school. I am a certified Japanese teacher, so whether you want to study hard, enjoy studying, or just want to practice conversation with a professional Japanese teacher, I can give you lessons according to your learning style! I'm good at
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 21:00 Mar 00:00
Mer 07:00 - 19:00
Mer 21:00 Gio 00:00
Ven 07:00 - 19:00
Ven 21:00 Sab 00:00
Sab 07:00 - 19:00
Sab 21:00 Dom 00:00
Dom 07:00 - 13:00
Dom 15:30 - 19:00
Dom 21:00 Lun 00:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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Categorie insegnate

Hello. TOTORO teaching Japanese to various national students studying abroad in Tokyo. I have qualification of a Japanese teacher. Japanese was being taught in Japan and Korea for 13 years. I'll can make the right class everyone's request and request. And everyone's Japanese study will be supported. I'm looking forward to being able to study happily while talking with everyone.I usually teach Jap
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Orari disponibili  

Sab 07:00 - 08:00
Sab 09:00 - 17:30
Dom 07:00 - 08:00
Dom 09:00 - 17:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.   はじめまして❗️KOBAです。    京都大学(きょうとだいがく)を そつぎょう、 広告会社(こうこくがいしゃ)で 38年はたらいたあと、 7年間、法政大学経営学部(ほうせいだいがくけいえいがくぶ)で マーケティングを おしえていました。  そのあと、  日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)の しかくを とって、 いま、日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)を しています。   わたしは、これまでの けいけん から、 ビジネス日本語や アカデミック日本語を おしえることが できます。 もちろん、毎日(まいにち)の日本語会話や、日本や日本語や日本文化(ぶんか)についての フリートークも。    みなさんは どんな日本語を べんきょうしたいですか? ぜひ、いちど おはなしを
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Orari disponibili  

Mar 12:30 - 16:00
Mar 20:00 - 21:00
Mer 11:00 - 19:30
Gio 11:00 - 19:30
Dom 11:00 - 18:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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Categorie insegnate

Hello, my name is SUZUKI_. I live in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. I am a qualified Japanese language teacher. I teach in 100% Japanese only☆  ●2021  Completed the 420-hour Japanese language tutor course I worked for a government agency. Since this year, I have been teaching Japanese to students and adults. I have a fun, kind and calm personality. Actually... I used to study voice acting and narration
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Orari disponibili  

Mer 19:30 - 22:00
Ven 20:30 - 22:00
Dom 09:00 - 17:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

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