Carlos is an excellent teacher who always goes above and beyond. He is very easy to talk to and always corrects my pronunciation promptly. He is very patient and never minds having to repeat things when I don't "get it" (the first or even second time). He uses a variety of different materials and tailors classes to your level. Muchas gracias Senor Carlos.
Fantastic tutor who help my son adapt and thrive at his new school, French Lycee. She's always well prepared and has plenty of colourful, child friendly materials.
Recently, she’s been giving me topics with prepared questions before our lessons. I write answers and submit them in advance, and she corrects my grammar beforehand. This has really helped me improve my writing. During lessons, we discuss some questions in depth. She sometimes picks unexpected topics, like horoscopes, which I wouldn’t usually think about—but I ended up enjoying it more than I expected! Before diving into the main topic, we have casual chats, which help me practice natural conversation. Her lessons are effective and fun, and her warm personality makes her a great teacher. Highly recommend!
Jane is good at the art of inquiry. She always raises a few questions for me to do critical thinking. Aside from that, the worksheet is systematic and easy to comprehend. Many thanks, Jane.
Hello friends, my name is Patience I am an intensely passionate teacher with little over five (5 years) experience working with Children and adult learners majorly in English language and language developmental skills. I would go an extra mile to avail my students the joy of comprehension of a new idea/topic. Teaching goes beyond being a profession to me it's more like my lifestyle. Teaching beco
Professional journalism graduate with a vocation as a writer since I was ten years old. I have a habit of devouring books, watching wrestling shows and researching life and adventure in other countries. I lived in Peru for five years where I discovered ceviche, blueberries and my first training as a Spanish teacher. I like to offer interactive classes with emphasis on pronunciation and conver
Hello. I'm an online private tutor, Yumi. "I got it.......maybe" Have you ever convinced yourself of that? It's important to build upon correct foundations, especially Math. Before you come to hate math or advanced math, let's start the first step to "I totally got it". Subjects available for instruction:math, advanced math, English, Eiken Grades available to be instructed:elementary and junior h
Hello, My name is Daniel. Nice to meet you. I am a French, English and Spanish tutor with five years of experience both in person and online. I have a degree in Modern Languages in English and French with a minor in business. I have a C2 EF SET Certificate in English and a DELF B2 certificate in French. Regarding my teaching methodology, I always like to keep in touch with my students to motivate
Hello Dear Student! My name is Mark, and I am very happy to introduce myself as a possible English tutor for you. I am from Britain and live in London. Teaching is something I love, and I enjoy helping others learn English. I have a lot of experience teaching English. I started teaching in 2011, and I have taught both in classrooms and online. I have worked with students of all ages and levels,
As your English tutor with 5 years teaching experience for both adults and children I hold a TEFL/TESOL Certificate and a Diploma in Facilitation, I prioritize a student-centered approach to teaching. I believe that learning should be an engaging and enjoyable experience, rather than an intimidating one. With adults, I prefer to adopt a conversationalist style of teaching. I believe that speaking
Hello! I am Andréa and I am passionate about teaching English! I have a Master's degree in Education, a TEFL certificate, and a certificate in teaching digitally. I began my teaching career fifty years ago in Tokyo, Japan. Since then, I have taught 1,000s of lessons to of 1,000s students. I have enjoyed every minute of it. The purpose of language is to exchange thoughts, ideas, and feelings. I wil
Hola! I'm Natalia, your enthusiastic guide to the captivating world of Spanish. While I haven't formally taught Spanish classes before, I've successfully imparted English language basics and guided university students in navigating English as a second language (ESL) learning platforms. With my passion for language acquisition and a focus on communication-driven instruction, I'm eager to help you a
Hello, Are you looking to improve your English reading and conversation skills? Do you need help with organizing data, proofreading, or improving your content? Do you just want a listening ear to share your mind-boggling ideas with?Are you ready to take charge of your personal growth? Well, I'm excited to offer my services! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
はじめまして。masa masaです。やすみはドラマを見てえいごのべんきょうをしたり、アニメを見ることがすきです。I like DragonBallZ and Goku :)ひとりでりょこうに行くこともすきです。おきなわはさいこうだったので、また行きたいです。Okinawa is best:)わたしはしごとをしながら2024年3月に日本語きょうしの、しかくをとりました。日本語きょうしをめざそうと思ったきっかけは、げんごこうかんをしている中国人のともだちから、日本語のおしえかたがわかりやすくて、おもしろいと言ってくれたことで、日本語をおしえるしごとに、ちょうせんしようと思いました。げんごこうかんがしゅみで、4年くらいしています。アメリカ人・中国人・インドネシア人・フィリピン人など、たくさんの人たちに日本語をおしえてきました。げんごこうかんをすることで、たくさんともだちができたことが、とてもす
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Carlos Mejía
Dr Misbah
Jane M.