I needed to learn how to teach English in English writing skills. Amy taught me the important tips and have made me much more confident in teaching. She is a great teacher!
Phillip is truly remarkable as a teacher. When I first took his lessons, I didn’t realize I would fall in love with reading and truly understand how to read. I’m so glad I embarked on this journey with him.
From short essays to mid-length novels, and now, we’ve just finished a Shakespeare play… it’s been a long journey for me, with many obstacles in reading and comprehension—each one of them has transformed me.
I’ve learned to read more deeply, both inside and outside the text (author background, historical context, etc.), to think in different ways from different perspectives, and to interpret characters' words and tones, among other things. It’s not just because I started reading, but also because Phillip kept discussing the topics and related things with me, guiding me on techniques and what to focus on, etc.
It’s always a pleasure to exchange thoughts on the works, and his humorous personality is definitely a plus. With Phillip, I can express everything I want to say and take notes without feeling judged.
It’s relaxing, fun, and inspiring… With Phillip’s reading lessons, you get it all!
Hello! My name is Michy, please call me "Michy"!I was born in Aichi prefecture.The city is famous for TOYOTA car company.================================☆ hobbies ☆Learning languages (Korean, English, Italian)Reading books, Driving(Car, Motorcycle)☆ licenses ☆Teaching Japanese, aromatherapy, YOGA☆ Favorite stuffs ☆Wine, Japanese sake, Japanese animation================================Now I teach J
Hello! My name is hikaka_run. I started studying languages because I enjoyed chatting with others, as well as watching overseas dramas and idols. I am currently studying Korean and Chinese! Up until now, I have been mostly limited to learning as a student, but I wanted to try my hand at teaching as a teacher myself, so I studied to become certified as a Japanese language teacher. &nb
Hello, everyone!My name is Sae.⭐わたしのレッスンは、こんな方におすすめです⭐英検に受かりたい!何を勉強したら良いのかわからない成績を上げたい文法を強化したい理屈がわからないと納得できないタイプetc. 小学生から英語学習を始め、とにかく英語が大好き!成績も常にトップクラス! でも、そんな私の語学人生も、順風満帆ではありませんでした。成績はいいのに、全然話せない…両親はパスポートを持ったこともない人たちで、学生時代、海外旅行は夢のまた夢…そんな悩みをずっと抱えていました。 大学卒業後は、海外に行きたい願望を叶えるため、総合商社への就職を希望していましたが、一流大学卒でもない私はその夢を実現させることはできませんでした。ただ、海外への夢はやはり持ち続け、英会話スクールに通う日々。中上級レベルでレッスンを受けるも、話せる
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Lady Ayame
Louie B.
Finn S
Amy Jost
Phillip Knott
Sae K