Welcome to Tunisia Welcome to Tunisia

Welcome to Tunisia

Have you explored Tunisia yet? Allow me to introduce you to the geographical location, the vibrant history,
the traditional crafts, and the delectable cuisine, popular sports enjoyed by Tunisians,
the diplomatic ties between Tunisia and Japan,
and uncover the significance of the French language in Tunisia.


日期与时间 2024 年 6 月 13 日(周四)晚间 6 点(日本时间)
长度 约 30 分钟
价格 免费
录像 可观赏直播或录像档
活动语言 French
Monam B

My name is Monam, originally from Tunisia, having lived in Morocco for 6 years, in France for 6 years and I have lived in Japan for 18 years. I have been teaching French to Japanese for 15 years. I have trained hundreds of Japanese working for Japan as volunteers abroad, especially in Africa. I published my first book in Japan in 2010.


  • 1. The geographical location of Tunisia
  • 2. The major dates in the history of Tunisia.
  • 3. The Tunisian woman.
  • 4. The Tunisian Revolution of 2011.
  • 5. Sports, crafts, and cooking.
  • 6. The Francophonie in Tunisia.
  • 7. Bilateral relations between Japan and Tunisia.
  • 8. Questions and answers


Anyone who is interested (seminar in French)


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