Apply Now To Be 1 Of Our 10 Academic Tutoring Students!
Selected students will be eligible to take 2 online Academic Tutoring lessons free of charge.
As a bonus, we're giving away an additional lesson if you post public feedback after your first lessons!☆
Lesson scenes
Academic Tutoring lessons feedback
We really appreciate your preparation and make Jun understand.
He told me that it was very fun to study with you, I want to cry thinking I face difficulty to teach him...He enjoyed that you converted study into fun game, explaining in japanese, English and Chinese, this is great!!
I would like to arrange more both of chess and homework help shortly.
My 8-year-old son had his first lesson with Vanessa today. He was a bit reluctant to take a German lesson first, but after he finished his first lesson with Vanessa, he asked me to arrange the next lesson. He did enjoy her lesson!! Thank you, Vanessa!
Online Academic Tutoring Tutors
Application Period: Novembre 25th (THU) - December 1st (WED)
Category :
Academic Tutoring
- Students who are interested in Academic Tutoring but haven't taken a lesson before
- Students who have taken a lesson before but were hesitant about continuing
- Other
Selection: 10 people maximum
More details
- You receive one more free lesson if you post public feedback after taking your first two lessons.
Sharing your experience on social media such as Facebook and Twitter is highly encouraged, but not required.
Regarding lesson tester tickets:
please note that lesson tester tickets can't be used for tutors you have already taken lessons with in the past.
Apply to be a monitor!
Please fill out all of the information on the application form to apply.
- City or region of residence
- Date of Birth
- Self-Promotion
*Please note that monitoring opportunities may be canceled if no suitable candidates are found.
*Please note that only applicants selected as lesson testers will be contacted by December 4.
Dear Nick,
Thank you for your kind lesson. I like your lesson especially to debate various kinds of topics with you. You always encourage me to improve my speaking skill. Thank you.