2019 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
July-December 2019 Cafetalk Special Event
Thank you for learning with us and our amazing Tutors this Autumn/Winter 2019!
We are happy to report that this year as well, thanks for our amazing students and tutors, tutor and lesson numbers are up up up!
As 2019 is about to end we are opening up the polls one more time to choose the most popular lessons & tutors☆★
Celebrate this Holiday Season by voting for a favorite lesson that you’ve been taking on a regular basis, or let the world know about a new rising star you’ve discovered. Make sure to support the tutors you think deserve some recognition for all their hard work!

News in Levels English - Reading and Speaking
毎回、先生が興味深い記事を用意してくれます。 普段は読まないような分野の記事もあり、知見を増やすこともでき、楽しいです。 新しい単語も覚えられるので、とても良いレッスンです。