Hello Everyone! Today I wanted to share this BBC article I found. A young man from South Korea was...
Tracy R.
Konnichiwa minna-san. As a little introduction, I decided to give you guys a photo tour of the city...
Hello everyone! Many may not know, but I love dinosaurs. When I was a child, I wanted to become a ...
Tracy R.
Tomoe loves picture books. Vol. 1 ほげちゃん
Hi, it's Tomoe. I love reading books; novels, adventures, mysteries, essays and so on. ...
Tomoe M
What’s up everyone! How are you?? 暑い日が続いておりますが、みなさんいかがお過ごしでしょうか。夏バテには気を付け...
As Tracy R. wrote in her recent column entry, 'should' is more relaxed than 'had better': http://ca...
Arguments And Discussions To Improve Your English Skills
“Nothing is as frustrating as arguing with someone who knows what he's talking about.” ...
Mark Roy
Hello Everyone! This was a fascinating and somewhat strange article that I stumbled across o...
Tracy R.
今日は気づいたら、To Doリストいっぱい消していた。.意外と仕事してたんだ。.涼しくて過ごしやすかったもんね。.そして、今日もよく寝...
Hello everyone! After getting some responses about what new classes everyone wants, and adding a f...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone! Here is an amazing woman, who is supposedly the world's oldest woman at 116 years ...
Tracy R.
Article - Babies Make Men Lazier
Hello Everyone! Here is an easier article than I usually post, from Breaking News English. It desc...
Tracy R.
今日は新しいお仕事のキックオフミーティング。with 女子会。.みんなでいろんな知恵を出し合うのってほんとに楽しいです。.夜はカウンセリングのご予約を...
How to keep your English conversation flowing
It is often difficult to keep a conversation going in any language. During most of our daily intera...
Mark Roy
50 Academic English Collocations
Academic writing can be one of the hardest things to perfect in English. This advanced skill requir...
Mark Roy
BBC News - Learning with less Effort
Hello Everyone! Being a language learner like many of the people on this site, I like to hear of d...
Tracy R.
Hi everyone! みなさまお元気ですか? 本日のコラムは、"Japanglish" (Japanese と Englishのmix)でいきたいと思います。笑 まず、私の講師インタビュー...
BBC News - Intelligence and Happiness
Hello Everyone! I was looking for an article for a student and I found a very interesting one that...
Tracy R.
Unfortunately Limited Lesson Times
Hello Everyone, I wanted to let my students know that I will have very limited times during the co...
Tracy R.
BBC News - Practice is Better Than Skill
Hello Everyone! Here is a somewhat long but fairly easy article that talks about practice ve...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone! As I was browsing BBC, I found this short article about the Otaku Expo in To...
Tracy R.
地元めしのイベント(^^)いくつ食べたことがありますか? A lot of local food in Japan! How many food have you eaten before? 여...
BBC News - Cold Rice Means Fewer Calories
Hello Everyone! I found this short article about cooling rice to reduce its calories when eaten.&n...
Tracy R.
びっくりしたこと/Things which made you surprise/깜짝 놀란 일이
Hi.....If you are looking to improve your English skills in any of the following areas:Conversation...
Mark Roy
Groom Dumped for Failing Simple Math
Hello Everyone! So I found this interesting, if strange, article on the BBC. Apparently, an Indian...
Tracy R.
News - Can Music Cause Hearing Damage?
Hello Everyone! The BBC posted an article about how music has been linked to early hearing loss. T...
Tracy R.
今日紹介(しょうかい)するのは会話(かいわ)の練習(れんしゅう)も試験(しけん)の勉強(べんきょう)も両方(りょうほう)したい!そんな意欲的(いよくてき)な人におすすめのクラスです。 To...
皆様こんにちは!ボイストレーナーのSayaです。いつもレッスンを受講して下さり、本当にありがとうございます。 アメリカポートランドでの研修プログラムが終わり、昨日日本に帰ってきました!しばらくここ...