楽しく英会話しつつ分からない時は日本語でsupport! :)
Hello everyone! :) Nice to meet you! 最近CafeTalkで講師を始めました、Maiと申します! アメリカ在住歴10年で、CafeTalkでは英会話のレッスンを...
What's important when you are looking for a teacher?
I am just wondering what are the most important factors when you are looking for a teacher.....mayb...
Mark Roy
Meet the Fastest Talker in the World!
Here is a clip of the fastest talker in the world. Did you understand what she said? :) http://di...
涼しい夏のノルウェーへ "Free Falling" Tropical Mojito Remix
皆さんこんにちは、講師のRomiです。 日本は、暑い日が続いているところが多いようですね。電車や地下鉄のエアコンと外の温度差にやられ、体調を崩されている方も多い...
Being nervousness and trying to relax in the speaking test interview It’s import...
Discount coupons launched, please visit my profile
Hi, I have just released several sets of discount coupons ranging from 5 to 10% for various lesson...
Mark Roy
講師インタビュー記事掲載のお知らせ/It's my pleasure to inform you that my interview was updated.
まず最初に、ぼくは Yoshinori です。当サイトの新人講師です。みなさん、よろしくお願いします。 先週、ぼくがまだ Cafetalk 講師になるための厳しい審査&選考過程を経ている間に、カン...
5% off any lesson until end of April
Please visit my profile to book a lesson with 5% discount on ANY lesson until the end of April. Tha...
Mark Roy
Test your English level with my placement test
If you are unsure of your level of English, why not take my English level placement test and see ho...
Mark Roy
今回もすごく簡単な単語です! say まず原型の say /sei/ これは皆さんきちんと発音できますね。 以下の2点を気をつけるとより良い発音になります。最初の...
Some families gather around the lunch or (and?) dinner table, feasting on a Thanksgiving meal cente...
Momo Sensei
コラムのタイトル変えてみました。内容は今まで通りです☆ 今回は誰もが知っているこの単語です。 アンド ↓↓↓ and もう日本語になってしまっていると言ってい...
いつもコラムを読んで頂いてありがとうございます。お休みしている間にも1~8までたくさんの方が読んでくれたみたいで嬉しいです。 さて、今回はこの単語 オリンピック ↓↓&...
New Thailand travel information session
I have just introduced a 30 minute session for those of you who may be planning a vacation / holida...
Mark Roy
New TOEIC and TOEFL exam preparations introduced today
Today I have introduced two new and specially dedicated lessons for those of you taking&n...
Mark Roy
今日はクリスマスにちなんだ投稿です。 サンタクロースのサンタの部分 サンタ ↓↓↓ Santa Saでしっかり/ae/の音を出しましょう。apple happ...
Learning idioms and expressions are a great way to improve you level of language. Do you know wh...
Things to Notice in the News: Human vs Cheetah (Intermediate+)
In this post I will focus on some interesting vocabulary in a news article (I have chosen 9 words/p...
今回はこの言葉 サンキュー! ↓↓↓ Thank you. thやaの、音など、練習したい音はありますが、今回は違った角度から。よーく単語をみてみましょう。th...
Obsolete (ˈɒbsəliːt) You can listen to the pronunciation here. Obsolete means out-of-date or...
Vagaries (ˈveɪɡəriz) You can listen to the pronunciation here. Vagaries are unpredictable or u...
One good reason to take my exam prep' lesson!
If you have an important exam approaching and are looking for an experienced native tutor to help y...
Mark Roy
Featured lesson- Interview skills
If you have that all important interview coming up then please look no further than my interview sk...
Mark Roy
Hi everyone, I have just started using a new worksheet in my 30 minute "Speak To Me!" lessons whic...
Mark Roy
Ideas Worth Spreading All Around The World!
Hello Dear Students, I would like to introduce the website www.ted.com ,which you can fin...
Momo Sensei
Introducing my new proofreading sessions
Dear valued students, I have introduced a new proofreading session that does NOT require you to at...
Mark Roy
Well, I'm not sure what it is like where you are but here it is so hot outside, it feels like you m...
So tell me how is your July going? Are you watching Wimbledon? or Maybe the cricket? Are you foll...