こんにちはSaoです海派か山派か○○派か。という話題がカフェートークの講師コラムでチラホラと。ちなみに○○派は、英語で~~personと言います。様々なものに使えますので便利です。例:犬派:a do...
Are you a ‘Beach Person’ or a ‘Mountain Person’?
Are you a ‘beach person’ or a ‘mountain person'?' This week’s topic is much easier to answer than i...
Stephen Brivati
I’m not a mountain person because there are no mountains anywhere nearby and I’m not a beach person...
Zach McLaughlin
Enjoying my Daily Life consists of 3 simple things! Also MORE AVAILABLE Lesson Times AND COUPONS!
Hello Dear Students! Happy FALL!I enjoy my daily life by doing three things: 1. Spending so...
Lisa D.
The Clivia plant, also known as the Bush lily, is a very special plant that is endemic to South Af...
Teacher Hanne
【どうする?英検対策?】 第6回:過去問研究(ライティング編)-2
こんにちは。講師のbananafishです。 ライティングに注目した英検対策レッスン新設に伴い、コラムで英検を取り上げています。 過去問研究 ライティング編 第2回です。 英検ライティングの難しさの...
Why did I choose to be a tutor?
I choose to be a tutor because I love to teach in the first place. I love to share what I know I lo...
Luca sensei
Plants in English: Stone Plants
Stone plants are very special succulent plants. Their scientific genus name is Lithops. Lithops mea...
Teacher Hanne
【どうする?英検対策?】 第5回:過去問研究(ライティング編)-1
Just when the world thought Covid-19 was waning1, many countries are seeing a huge resurgence of ...
Arthur Heffelfinger
Gardening became very popular during the quarantine months. Even if you just have a small veranda, ...
Teacher Hanne
Thread and Needle: My New Thing
During the pandemic I have been mostly at home, doing everything from home. I’m Ok with that. I’m u...
Pilar Barrera
面白い調査を見ました。 ↓ 「10台にとってお葬式とは・・・こういうこと」意識調査 「10代にとってお葬式って…こういうこと」意識調査で見えた、日本の葬儀業界の未来株式会社グッドオフのプレスリリ...
I want to try mountain hiking this year
This year I would like to do some mountain hiking and see interesting and rare South African plants...
Teacher Hanne
I want to try to get cut this year.
I would like to get cut this year. Did you understand that phrase? Which one do you think it is?A) ...
(朝活)“Asa-katsu”—The Activities in the morning-Early bird catches the warm!
My latest English broadcasting is below:https://stand.fm/episodes/614df43cecd7220006ad54b6 Hello, ...
Teacher Asuka
How I Excelled Studying Three Masters Degrees
Studying anything can be challenging. For me, studying Law, learning French and Korean languages w...
Sarah Nam
Which study method to choose is a good question! It depends a lot on what you like doing, and on yo...
As some of you may know, I have been trying to sell my house. As of today, it is sold! That is th...
Greg R
The Best Teaching and Studying Method: Being Yourself and Motivation
I have been teaching for more than 20 years. I have been learning things all my life. I love lear...
Pilar Barrera
If you could go back in time, when would it be?
こんにちはSaoですもし、過去に戻れるならいつに戻りたいですか?If you could go back in time, when would it be?過去に戻るは英語でgo back in ...
If I could go back to the past and take back what I did? Where should I start..?
Hello, everyone.It's been a while since I wrote something here. Since the journal topic for this we...
Riku Rick
If I could go back in time, I would go back to England in the 1800s. Everybody was crazy about fair...
Pilar Barrera
(ありがとう日記はいかが?)Why don’t you keep a grateful journal every night?
Here's my latest English broadcasting below:https://stand.fm/episodes/613b88694a8aba00068fd47a He...
Teacher Asuka
Think Small to Accomplish Big Things - Michael Phelps talk
What small things are you going to do to accomplish big things? What small things can you do today,...
Cecily G.
とあるメールにあった「A penny for your thoughts」って?【イディオム表現】
こんにちはSaoです先日、めっちゃ久しぶりにメールを開いたら結構な量のメールが溜まっておりまして・・(笑)で、その中に某青い鳥のSNSからのメールが来ていたのですが、件名に”Sao A Penny ...
Congratulations user906780 for passing the C1 DELE Exam (Spanish Government)!
Hi user906780!Congratulations on your well-deserved success, you worked hard and got your reward.I...
Raul Barrera
「一期一会」 「二度あることは三度(四度も)ある???」 ーフランコとの不思議な出会いーつくつくほうしのコーラスが夏の終わりを告げていますが、みなさんいかがお過ごしですか? 前回のコラムの募集テー...