Thanks for the triple anniversary!
世界に散らばる生徒の皆さん、こんにちは! cafe talkでのレッスンを提供を始めて、一年を過ぎました。 そしてこのたび、事務局から生徒を惹きつけるユニークなレッスンを提供する先生に贈られる、"R...
I used to have a bucket list. It was there in the back of my mind waiting. It contained things like...
Pilar Barrera
東大の研究によれば、 老化細胞を除去する薬を発見したそうで、 そうなると、老化を止められるということになりそうです。 アメリカでは、がんについて臨床試験が始まっているようです。 老化が止めら...
Expressions in Brazil with the word "chá"
Chá de bebêIt is a 'baby shower', a party for a women who is going to have a baby. Her friends take...
Angélica C
STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH (and other weird English expressions)
Hello again, everyone – I must apologize for not “keeping up” on my tutor’s column… and this expres...
Arthur Heffelfinger
Ahhhh… if I could magically make true one wish, it would be to be able to read every language in th...
Pilar Barrera
Of course, I have many big wishes. These include things like world peace, ending environmental dest...
Stephen Brivati
I have studied and lived abroad three times in my life. Through those experiences, I could give man...
Becca Beth
“But the Spring never came, nor the Summer. The Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but to th...
Pilar Barrera
(人生で見つけたいもの)Find what brings you joy in life
Here's Teacher Asuka's English Wave.You can listen my latest column below :
Teacher Asuka
Plate of shortbread. By User:Dave souza - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5,
ガチャガチャって知っていますか?Do you know Gacha‐Gacha?
I think the most important thing to keep in mind is to be careful who you trust. Different countrie...
Hi students!What's a parklet?It's a new word that has changed meaning a little since the pandemic. ...
Cecily G.
“You asked me the other day what my wishes were… I want to go away somewhere this winter for a chan...
Pilar Barrera
Summer Solstice Sunrise over Stonehenge CC BY-SA 2.0,
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. I am thrilled to be back with another installment of Crazy And Funny Facts You S...
Lyston G.
Greetings,Instead of giving direct advice I would like to share two famous stories about Socrates w...
Stephen Brivati
Free demo class - Spoken Hindi
This is a free demo class for those who wish to learn Spoken Hindi. Open the below link in a new wi...
(SDGsって?)What’s SDGs? Kitty supports this goals as a UN ambassador(•‿•)
Here's Teacher Asuka’s English wave:you can listen my latest column as soon as you visit below.http...
Teacher Asuka
Teacher: Hello Snowy! Snowy: What? Teacher: How are you today? Snowy: Yeah...I'm ok. Why?Teache...
Andrew Teacher
Strawberries are in season in England.
Hello, everyone. How are you all? イギリスでは今、イチゴが旬です。うちの庭のイチゴも赤く熟れてきました。摘みたてのイチゴは甘くてとても美味しいですね。余った分はジ...
私の日本語レッスンをリニューアルしました。My Japanese lesson has been renewed.
It's been a month since I first became a teacher here. Thanks to you, I was able to take lessons wi...
My Favorite Commercial (Japanese Commercial with English Subtitles)
I think you will love this commercial. It is only a couple of minutes long, but it tells a great s...
Greg R
This is a Canada joke :) American TV programs always stereotype Canadians as being terribly polite...
Bettie Ido
AntenadoLiterally - with antennasMeaning - well-informed, alert, paying close attention to what is ...
Angélica C
Little Heroes, Great Adventures!
Little Heroes, Great Adventures! From the English folklore character Tom Thumb, printed in 1621, to...
Pilar Barrera
This video, although just of people counting to 10 in at least 3 different languages, reminds me of...
Cecily G.
Just after I taught a lesson, I felt the room shake! It continued to move...We were having an earth...
Cecily G.
Studying Abroad and Where the Water Sleeps
I think that when you are going to study abroad, it is essential to bring something you love, somet...
Pilar Barrera