Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know

Lyston G.

Dear, Readers. 

I am thrilled to be back with the second installment of the year. 

I hope I find you well. The weather is excellent around these parts. 

I have a few resolutions for the new year. It is a new year tradition for Zimbabweans, and I would like to stick to the resolutions as much as I can. 

You can share some of the unique new year events held in your country in the comments section below. 

Today, I am going to share with you a little fun fact about the Eiffel Tower. 

It is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. And, beautiful too. 

But, there is an interesting story behind the construction of this legendary monument. 

Without much further ado, let's get into the topic. 

Did you know that;

The Eiffel Tower was originally pitched to the city of Barcelona, Spain

The city rejected it! They were worried it would be an unwieldy eyesore.

It has proved to be a costly mistake for Spain who missed out on being the home of this iconic landmark.

The Eiffel Tower is now worth over 400 billion euros. 


This is six times more than the Colosseum in Rome which is worth 91 billion euros, and more than the Tower of London which is worth 70 billion euros. 

That’s 400 billion reasons for Spain to be feeling a little regretful.

I came across this little fun fact and decided to share it with you. I hope you will enjoy reading it. 

I am looking forward to bringing you more in the following installments. 

Enjoy 2021. See you soon. 


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